Hakim Boutehra is 43 years old and the father of two children. MBA graduate from UQAM Canada, he has over 18 years of experience in commercial activities. He began his career in 2001, at Procter & Gamble Algeria where he was a Sales Supervisor, then a Regional and National Sales Manager. He joined Groupe Renault in Algeria in 2004, and for 12 years he managed the commercial activity of the company for Algeria, France and Middle East (13 countries). In August 2016 he took over the leadership of Renault Commercial Roumanie and, from September 2018, becomes General Manager of Cluster SE Europe (Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova), managing three brands: Renault, Dacia and Nissan.
Christina Verchere holds a Master degree in Economics Science from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. She started her career in 1993 and has spent over 20 years with an oil and gas supermajor, where she held numerous leadership positions in the UK, the US, Canada and Indonesia. Between 2012-2014, she has been the Regional President Canada of BP located in Calgary and between 2014 – 2018, she has been the Regional President of the Asia Pacific region, located in Jakarta, Indonesia. She was appointed Chief Executive Officer and President of the Executive Board of OMV Petrom starting May 1, 2018.
Cred in puterea pe care fiecare dintre noi o avem. In a face lumea in care traim una mai buna, incepand cu noi insine.
Oamenii cu care lucrez, din CDM sau alte organizatii ma ajuta sa evoluez nu doar ca profesionist ci si ca si persoana. Simt ca aceasta profesie ma ajuta sa ma cunosc mai bine, sa-i respect pe ceilalti si pe mine insumi. Si sa fiu un tata mai bun – sunt mandru cu cei doi baieti ai mei, de 27 si 24 ani – si un sot mai bun.
Lucrez în CDM din 1994. Sunt Consultant senior, iar din 1997 sunt director executiv. Am absolvit Automatizari si Calculatoare în 1990. O mare oportunitate pentru viata si cariera mea este colaborarea cu Roffey Park Management Institute, Marea Britanie. În 1994 am încheiat un program intensiv de 8 saptamani de “Train the Trainers” iar apoi, ca urmare a unui proces de doi ani de studiu prin metoda Self-Managed Learning am obtinut “Diploma in Management Development” în 1997. Partea de cunostinte si conceptualizare am întarit-o predând, în paralel cu munca de consultant, ca lector asociat, Management Comparat, Management Strategic si Marketing pentru doua universitati, intre 1993 si 1997. Am scris articole si materiale pentru ziare si reviste si am contribuit la scrierea a 4 carti de specialitate. Caut mereu perspective noi – prin lectura, prin programe de instruire (Crown Agents, UK, Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK, Gruppo Soges), prin discutiile cu colegii mei si alti profesionisti in cadrul unor asociatii sau forumuri profesionale si prin participarea ca speaker sau participant îi diferite conferinte.
Shibu Nambiar is a global services executive with over 20 years of experience in business operations, project management, transformation, digital technologies and delivery center set ups.
He currently leads a team of over 6000+ professionals across 12 delivery centers in Europe, providing business process management, consulting and digital transformation services for a wide range of industries.
Shibu always stays curious about learning and understanding different cultures. This is why he loves being in the middle of constant change. In the business services environment, the only constant is change. But for him, innovation also has to be a constant, that’s why he is willing to take risks and always challenge the status quo.
Shibu is a promoter of digital transformation strategy, he supports advanced technology deployed on the processes, in order to deliver outstanding experiences for customers and enhanced employees’ experience. He is not a fan of “Do It Yourself” due to his strong appetite for collaboration. He believes that leaders aren’t self-made, they are driven by an environment which enables continuous learning and an ecosystem of trust, which then promotes innovation, collaboration and agility to get aligned to the fast paced digital disruptions all around us.
Massimo Paronitti Joined De’Longhi Group as European Human Resources Director on 2008. He covered this position till 2012; he also was responsible for Industrial and Trade Unions Relationships in Italy.
On 2012 he has been appointed General Manager of De’ Longhi Romania SRL in Cluj; he moved to Cluj where he implemented the project Start-up of the today biggest De’Longhi Group Plant.
On 2016 he has also been appointed Director of Operations Europe extending his responsibilities to the Italian Plant based in Treviso and to the European Contract manufactures.
Before joining De’Longhi Group, he was Human Resources Manager in Electrolux Professional and Starwood Hotels & Resorts.
He has a Degree in Economics from Ca’ Foscari Venice University and he completed the Executive MBA in Chur (Switzerland).
Christophe Dridi este absolvent al Ecole Supérieures des Sciences et Technologies de l’Ingénieur din Nancy, Franţa, şi deţine o diplomă MBA INSEAD. Își începe cariera la Renault, în 1993, ca inginer. În 2001, se alătură echipelor Alianței Renault – Nissan, în Japonia, unde ocupă funcţia de manager Calitate.
Ulterior devine director Calitate Renault Mexic și mai apoi, responsabil Incidentologie vehicule Renault la Technocentre, Franța. Din 2009, preia responsabilitatea de director Fabricație al uzinei din Casablanca și, ulterior, trece pe aceeaşi funcţie la uzina din Tanger, ambele din Maroc. De la 1 octombrie 2016 a condus uzina Vehicule Dacia de la Mioveni.
Human Systems Dynamics Institute Circle Pines, MN USA 55014
Glenda Eoyang works with public and private organizations to help them thrive in the face of overwhelming complexity and uncertainty. She is a pioneer in the applications of complexity science to human systems, and she founded the field of human systems dynamics (HSD). Through Human Systems Dynamics Institute, Glenda uses her models and methods to help others see patterns in the chaos that surrounds them, understand the patterns in simple and powerful ways, and take practical steps to shift chaos toward coherence.
Dr. Eoyang applies her theory and practice in a wide range of challenging contexts. She has:
Ömer Tetik este născut în Hamburg și a crescut în Izmir. Prima limbă vorbită a fost germana, iar turca a învățat-o bine la cinci ani, când familia s-a mutat în Turcia.
Pentru că şi-a dorit să urmeze o carieră domeniul economic, a optat pentru cursurile Universității Tehnice Orientul Mijlociu (Ankara), Facultatea de Științe Economice, unde a absolvit Magna Cum Laude. Își începe cariera la Ata Securities, în Izmir, iar un an mai târziu pleacă la Istanbul, pentru a face parte din echipa Trezorerie a Finansbank. În 1997 se mută în Rusia, ca manager al departamentului Trezorerie și Piață de Capital din cadrul Finansbank Moscova.
În anul 2000, Finansbank decide să îi aloce o nouă misiune – România – ca vicepreședinte adjunct. In cadrul Credit Europe Bank (ex Finansbank) ajunge, în 2010, vicepreședinte și președinte. Din 2013 este Director General al Băncii Transilvania. Se numără printre cei 100 cei mai admirați CEO din România (2019, Business Magazin).
Hobby-uri: Ömer Tetik preferă să își petreacă timpul cu familia și este pasionat de instrumente de percuție, motociclete, călătorii şi de muzică.
Skills: Abordarea Win-Win; Tenacitatea; Managementul oamenilor
Role model: Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett